
How To Change Color In Outlook Email

Microsoft Outlook Dark Mode: Changing the Theme in Outlook

How can you change the color or theme in Microsoft Outlook? Depending on your version of Outlook, your theme options may include Colorful, White, Dark Gray, or Black (Dark Mode). The Outlook nighttime fashion, or blackness theme, changes the default bright background color to a darker colour, which often is easier on the optics in low-light environments or a bang-up choice if you prefer less bright interfaces. Continue reading to larn the steps to change the colour of the Outlook theme or watch my video:

To change your Outlook theme to dark style (or another theme):

Microsoft Outlook Dark Mode, change the Outlook theme, black theme in Outlook, colorful theme in Outlook
  1. Choose File > Part Account. In other Role applications, it may be Account. You lot tin also find this option under File > Options, and then General options in the Personalize section.
  2. Choose the Black theme and close the Backstage (File) tab.

Changing the theme color affects Outlook too as your other Microsoft Office applications such as Word and Excel. I typically work with the Colorful theme, which displays the application title bar likewise as the Backstage view with the color for the specific application—for example, blueish for Outlook and dark-green for Excel.

Displaying messages in the Outlook Dark Mode:

Microsoft Outlook Dark Mode, change the Outlook theme, black theme in Outlook, colorful theme in Outlook
  1. With Outlook 365, you lot'll have the choice to show a bulletin with a white background. To change this, that is, to turn the lights back on, click the sunshine toolbar selection while viewing or composing a bulletin.
    This icon volition either be found to the meridian-right of an existing message or in the Message tab of the Ribbon when composing a new message.
  2. To change the display of messages dorsum to the night mode (blackness), click the moon toolbar option. The toolbar button switches between the sunshine and moon icons.
  3. If you like the black theme but don't want it to change the background of new and existing messages, that is, to keep the bulletin background as white, choose File > Options > Full general, and and then cheque the box Never change the bulletin background color in the Personalize section. This option only displays for the black theme.
    When you select your next electronic mail message, and each bulletin in the future, the lights will remain on as a default setting. This modify also applies to new messages.

How will you customize the theme in Outlook?

For more fourth dimension-saving Microsoft Outlook techniques, find additional shortcuts, tips and tricks at

By Dawn Bjork, MCT, MOSM, CVP, The Software Pro®
Microsoft Certified Trainer, Productivity Speaker, Certified Virtual Presenter

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How To Change Color In Outlook Email,


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