
How To Get Cayron Colors Off Of Table

How to Clean a Bright Pinkish Post-it Note Stain on an Oak Table

Updated on May 19, 2013

S.T. asks from San Jose, CA

fourteen answers

I do not know how to remove this pink stain from our oak kitchen table. A post-it notation was left on the table most a glass of water ice-h2o. The condensation of the glass leaked onto the post-it and the colour bled into the table. The tabular array is in cracking status, it may have a medium stain on it with a protectant layer of varathane. I would similar an easy solution!

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And so What Happened?

Thank you to all of you who replied. I ended up trying Cream of Tartar and vinegar in a paste. After applying it 2 times and letting it sit a scrap and keeping information technology wet with the vinegar the spot is all only gone! And it did not remove the satin finish! I really was happy because I did non want to spend the time refinshing it, I'd rather spend my fourth dimension with my kids and my business, this allows me to change peoples lives!

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answers from Sacramento on

Hair spray has worked for ink pen marks and some felt markers. Simply spray information technology on, leave for a infinitesimal and wipe.

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answers from San Francisco on

Comprehend the stain with mayonnaise, straight from the jar. Utilise the "real deal", not the low fat, light stuff. Let it sit down on the stain for xv-30 minutes. I'm not sure if this volition piece of work, but since water was involved, I'd give it a endeavor. My Grandmother taught me this flim-flam for removing the white marks left behind past water spectacles placed straight on furniture. It'due south a pull a fast one on used by antiquarian collectors/dealers considering it works without ruining the cease on furniture. I'd exist curious to know if this works on the pink stain.

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answers from Sacramento on

Hi S.,
If the table has a loftier polish finish, endeavor using white toothpaste on a make clean, dry material and rubbing the stain. If it ends up shinier than the rest of the tabular array, use a rubbing compound on the residual, then polish. If the table has a dull or satin terminate, try a VERY soft steel wool pad dipped in lemon oil and rub with the grain. Over again, yous may take to polish the rest of the table when your done. I have also heard that applying Vaseline to a water stain until it is gone then wiping it off. Don't know if information technology will piece of work with dyed water stain though.
Good luck!

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answers from Sacramento on


That only happened to me final calendar week, simply information technology was on my husband'south cherry-red desk (probably darker than your oak). I immediately got a terry cloth rag and rubbed it with water, and quite a flake came off. Side by side, I used some Murphy'south Oil Soap, and had to practise quite a scrap of rubbing. At ane point, I let some of the oil soap sit down there for about a half hour I am happy to written report that most of it came tin can see a tiny scrap of pink if you are looking for information technology, and the light is good! Some other proffer I have that has worked Keen for united states of america, is to get a piece of glass cut to fit your table superlative. This has kept our beautiful dear pine tabular array still beautiful after iii kids and 9 years! Good luck!

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answers from Redding on

Dear S.,
I got a stain on my parquet wood floors and was flipping out. My female parent suggested mayonnaise, of all things.
I was shocked. It worked. Unlike types of woods or finishes will respond differently, but y'all tin effort mayonnaise. It'due south not harmful or chemical. I was worried the oils would stain the wood even worse, but it didn't.
At to the lowest degree not in my instance.
Anything too harsh volition strip your finish. Y'all may have to sand and re-varnish. If there are other things out there for wood, I'd be happy to know what they are.
Best of luck!

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answers from San Francisco on

Try alternating between vinegar and mild liquid lather. This worked on a grape juice stain in a new shirt, so perchance information technology would piece of work?



answers from Stockton on

Try some Restore-a-Cease and 0000 steel wool. You lot get it at a hardware shop and it comes in several colors - and then option the one closest to yours. You could also try olive oil and 0000 steel wool to gently rub out the color - it's probably simply on the varnish and hasn't soaked all the way into the wood. Yous demand to rub in one direction just not back & along and follow the wood grain.



answers from San Francisco on

I utilise an all-natural product that I purchase from my own business that can easily remove Sharpie permanent marking from hardwood floor. Although I accept not tried it with mail-information technology annotation ink, I would judge that information technology wouldn't exist a problem. Check out my website and request information, I would exist glad to contact you with more information about purchasing non-toxic products without harsh chemicals.



answers from San Francisco on

Method has an Almond Oil wood article of furniture cleaner. You tin can become information technology at Target. It's a peachy product considering it also acts as a smooth. The only thing is that you don't want to go out information technology damp on the table. Piece of work it in until dry. Don't use a paper towel, use cloth. A cloth diaper is best.



answers from San Francisco on

Hi S.,

The aforementioned thing happened to my desk-bound at work. I tried cleaning it off the day it happened and no luck. Over time though and many cleanings later information technology is almost gone. I would go on trying to clean it with a sponge and soapy h2o. Give it a month before you refinish the whole tabular array. That's a lot of work and may not exist necessary.



answers from San Francisco on

try a little Soft Scrub--it worked for me on a desk and a bookshelf.



answers from Minneapolis on

This is about 5 years too late, but I thought I would post anyhow. I had a bright pink mail-it stain on my maple hardwood floor!

The foam of tartar didn't piece of work for me. What really did work is making a paste of oxyclean, baking soda, and water, applying information technology with a paintbrush, and letting it sit for a couple of hours, re-wetting equally needed.



answers from San Francisco on

Piece of cake solution... skip using pink mail service-its. Sounds like you might have to sand it downwardly and re-varnish it. Once something leaks in to woods it'due south nearly incommunicable to become it out. Woods is absorbant.



answers from Sacramento on

My dad is a carpenter and I have worked with wood myself and the only mode to get the stain out is to refinish the whole tabular array.

How To Get Cayron Colors Off Of Table,


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